Rob Simpson

ENMSP1 Spring Mug

Original artwork for the Spring mug was drawn by Rob Simpson and as such he owns the ©copyright to this art - used with kind permission

'The Mighty Gorgoyle protector and servant of the High Wizard of Spring, Fantazar'

'Covered is scales of rich green Gorgoyle is a mighty Dragon, his head covered in fearsome spines'

'Huge wings covered in scales with claws of hardened bone to grip mountain faces and defend against evil.'

'Powerful claws of thick scale and bone reveal forn talons from battles of old'

'Amber eyes disclose his true gentleness yet can see far beyond any animal'

'Toughened and intertwined green scales are impenetrable to any sword or arrow.'


On the inside of the mug is a picture of Fantazar, the Spring Wizard



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