John J. Woodward

ENMAU1 Winter Mug

Original artwork for the Winter mug was drawn by John J. Woodward and as such he owns the ©copyright to this art - used with kind permission

'The mighty Grawlfang, protector and servant to the High Wizard of Winter Vrorst'
'Vrorsts servant, a Dragon borne of ice and cold who can survive in extremes of winter where others would certainly perish.'

'Frost will never striken this Dragon a second eyelid protects against even the mightiest of blizzards'

'Four strong claws enables swift passage over thick ice wastes.'

'A hard leather membrane of wing can protect from even the harshest cruel wind.'

'The wing ends in a frightening claw that can hack and scrape the hardest of ice'

'A Jagged, sharp tooth makes short work of any prey.'


On the inside of the mug is a picture of Vrorst, the Winter Wizard



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