
My name is Lindsey  (a.k.a Aldana) and I have been collecting dragons since I was 17, I am now 23.

It all began with a dream. I was doing A-level art and I was doing a sculpture project. I had a dream about a dragon and the next day I was busy drawing (albeit very weak) dragons. In the months that followed Norbert was created, all 6ft of him. (Yes I am a Harry Potter fan.)


During this time I got my first dragon ornament, a red dragon free from a magazine called Beasts and Legends.

Norbert now resides in my garden and after that project I had a lot of modrock left over so I made a red dragon and a green dragon.

My collection had now grown with dragons from the Tudor mint., and other dragons that people have given me over the years, I had no Enchantica as it was too expensive.

I discovered an air drying clay which was much easier to sculpt with and I made a wyvern plaque, a big black and silver dragon (affectionally nick
named Pancake) and then a small black and red dragon.

Wyvern Plaque


For my btec national diploma I was able to make another Dragon called Jasper, he was made from papier mache and his wings contain a book of


Then the dawn of ebay! That's when I brought my first Enchantica piece Khulii, still looking for a Javerell. I also got Rattajack and Snappa.

I decided that my sculpting wasn't going very well and so I just stick to drawing Dragons.


By now I had dragons all over the place and my Mum was starting to get annoyed. "Why don't  you like girly things like faeries?" to my Mum's
surprise I did like faeries and when I went to a local spiritual shop I fell in love with a small naked fairy covered in Ivy (probably not the kind of
faerie my Mum was thinking of!) When I got home I searched the internet and found the fairy was based on the art work of Nene Thomas. The following week I had won Ivy off Ebay and She came in a box reading I typed this into the url bar and I was introduced into a whole new world! Lots of faeries and above all lots of amazing dragons! I was in awe.

My main focus now is collecting Nene's faeries but I can't help but pick up a few dragons along the way!

I have a tiny room and so my collection is spilling over into my boyfriends, He doesn't know this yet but one dragon will have "Pride" of place on his

 Profile updated 20th of January 2007