Other Ranges



This section was created simply just to showcase a few other fantasy ranges that deserve a mention, These are the ranges that I don't plan on doing complete listings for but they deserve to have a small section of their own.

I will just have a brief description of the range along with a few photos to give examples and a taster for the range but I doubt I'll add much more than that. in time I may change my mind and do a more in depth catalogue of a certain range but if I do it will only because I've had help from another collector with a full or near full collection, if you are one such person, then I would be interested to hear from you. I may do a little bit more for the Windstone range my Melody Pena but at the moment it won't be as in depth as I would really like. if you are a Windstone collector with a good varied collection please contact me. the same goes for the now Defunct Discworld range by Clarecraft.

Dragon Table

Windstone (Soon)

Tuder Mint - Lord of The Rings (Soon)


Franklin Mint (Soon - maybe!)


Clare Craft - Discworld (Soon)


Plus more later

P.S. when I say soon, I mean when I feel like doing it :o)