Here is a list of some recommended web sites please feel free to visit them [Sculptors] [Manufacturers & Fantasy Ranges] [Fantasy Artists] [Fan & Information Sites] [Retailers] [Other Good Sites]
Andrew Bill - Enchantica creator and Dragonsite sculptor Andrew Bills official site where you can find more out about the man himself, see his online portfolio, find out who his influences are and buy his made to order pieces, prints and other A. Bill pieces including his other work that isn't fantasy related (This site is maintained by me and Andrew) Rob Simpson Designs - Robs official site, still under constuction but keep checking back, it will showcase his work ranging from his Enchantica fantasy sculpts right through to his Trumpton & Mr Men figures Carol Lynn Penny - 'The Lost Soul Gallery' - This site is owned by Jock and Carol Lynn Penny and is a showcase for Carols Genesis creations Exodus and her newer work. Andrew Hull - Ex-Enchantica sculptor and creator of the Fables range, this is his site for his current project 'Burslem Pottery' David Goode - A sculptor whose work includes some fantastic pixies, great garden ornaments for the extremely wealthy
Manufacturers and Fantasy Ranges (including other useful sites) The - This is the official site for Andrew Bills 'Verbum Magus' range as well as other pieces to be released by different Fantasy artists like Hap Henrickson, Nene Thomas, Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo, it is wellworth a visit for news of new pieces and to join in the chat. Enchantica - The official website. for the Enchantica Range, this new site is still in it's infancy but hopefully it will build up Windstone Editions - Range of Dragons and other Mythical creatures by M. Pena Amy Brown Signature Series Statuary - Official site for the range of figures based on Amy Browns art. Add an Accent - Official site for the company who do figures from the work of such artists as Amy Brown, Nene Thomas & Jessica Galbreth anlong with loads of other faerie figures by other artists.
Mike Merry Restorations - Mike is a well respected restorer of broken figurines with many years of experience. He is the official restorer of Lilliput Lane cottages and is recommended by most of the top manufacturers! if you have a figurine that you broke while dusting, there is a good chance that Mike can repair it to as good as new! Brian Froud & Wendy Froud - This is an official site 'World of Froud' with the works of one of my all time favourite Faerie and Fantasy Artists Brian Froud whose creations can be seen in films like Labyrinth and Dark Crystal and fantastic books like Lady Cottingtons pressed fairy book Todd Lockwood - This is the official site of Fantasy Artist Todd Lockwood, his work has to be see to be believed, he has done some fantastic work. Nene Thomas - This is an official site with the works of Faerie and Fantasy Artist Nene Thomas, more than worth a visit as she gets better and better with her art Amy Brown - There are three sites for Amy's Work, a long time favourite of mine, probably because of the Goth like stripy leggings on the faeries :-), This is an official site with the Artwork and merchandise. Amy Brown Archive - The second official site, an official site with an archive of Amy Browns work Amy Brown Collection - The third official site, this one is a showcase for Amy's work that she has created just for this site away from her more commercial work Victoria Frances - This is an official site with the stunning works of Fantasy Artist Victoria Frances, her work is very much romantic Gothic vampyre related and I love her work so much, this site is in Spanish but English and French versions are coming soon Jessica Galbreth - This is an official site with the works of Faerie and Fantasy Artist Jessica Galbreth Luis Royo - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Luis Royo Ted Nasmith - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Ted Nasmith, my favourite Lord of the Rings Artist Peter Pracownik - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Peter Pracownik Ciruelo - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Ciruelo R.K. Post - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist R.K. Post Brom - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Brom Scott M. Fischer - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Scott M. Fischer Don Maitz - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Don Maitz, I've known this artists work (especially his wizards) for a long time but I didn't know his name until I found his fantastic Pirate artwork (website is slow on start up though) Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artists Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo Ruth Thompson - 'Tarnished Images' This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist RuthThompson Natascha Roeoesli - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Natascha Roeoesli, her site also has some great tutorials for budding artists to follow Linda Bergkvist - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artist Linda Bergkvist, not the best website to navigate but some great art if you persist. There are also some art tutorials in there too Selina Fenech - This is an official site with the works of Fantasy Artists Selina Fenech. Miles Teves - Illustrator and sculptor who has done work for films like Reign of Fire, Legend, Pirates of the Caribbean, King Kong, Planet of the Apes, Van Helsing, Blade, Interview with the Vampire and many more. Time of the Faeries - Not art as in drawn on canvas, but the photography of J. Corsentino. he has done some stunning work with photography and photoshop Amy Fishenden - Pet Portraits - This is the official site of talented Artist Amy Fishenden her site used to have a lot of fantasy work but it is now a pet portrait site. Amy is also a regular on my chat forum. Lindsey Goodbun - This is the official site of talented Artist Lindsey Goodbun (aka Aldana on our chat forum) her artwork is mainly created using Corel Painter but she also works in water colour and other mediums. (Also check out her other website Toadstool Houses & her DeviantART Gallery). Aldana is also a regular on my chat forum.
Dragons Touch - This is a new site that is gathering information about fantasy artists and showcasing their work, it is also going be an information site about all things dragon. It's still new at the moment so there isn't a lot of information on there just yet but it shows a lot of promise and is more than worth keeping an eye on (plus they are going to put Andrew Bills work up too) Seen Through a Dragon's Eye - This was an ever expanding site run by two enthusiastic collectors (Trev and Ang) and was more than worth a visit, Ranges covered were Enchantica, Verbum Magus, Dragon Bones, Danbury Mint, Pocket Dragons and Tudor Mint and more were to follow, a lot of the photos in the Enchantica section were supplied by me along with the rotations for the 'By Request' section. There was often some fun lively (sometimes wacky) chat on this site too. Unfortunatly the site has shrunk and now only includes Enchantica & Dragonbones. Since the sad death of Trev, and with Ang doing other things, it is unlikely this site will ever be updated again A Dragon's Fantasy - This site is run by fellow collector Sy (Wooks) Seddon and covers a lot of John J. Woodwards work. nothing has been done to it for a long time though. Kent - Web site run by Kent to showcase his artwork, some of which can be seen on this site. Here Be Dragon's - This site is run by Jen 'The Dragon Lady' who helped get the official Enchantica site (with Anna Karin-Larsson) something near a decent site until RD changed it and ruined it, Jen is very enthusiastic and her site covers all things that involve Dragons. (Note: I'm not sure if this is run by Jen any more, it's very heavily over run with Yahoo adverts which make it a pain to go through) Tiny Home - This fan site is run by Fellow collector Dave Poole and besides his collection of Enchantica it's shows his other interests and collections like Photography and tobacco advertising.
Friendly Dragon & Friendly Spirit - Two shops next door to each other and owned by the same people (Janet & her Daughters Lucy & Laura and Janets partner, Jon) based in the Piece Hall in Halifax. Everyone is extremely helpful and friendly (as the name suggests). They stock Enchantica, Nemesis Now, Tudor Mint and they have the largest selection of Windstone that I've seen for years, they also sell many other ranges including lots of Green man stuff and many things you'd normally only expect to find in little shops in Cornwall! there are also many spiritual & pagan gifts in the Friendly Spirit section. You need to call into both shops though because the stock is spread throughout them both and they are full to the rafters with items and you'll not see it all in one visit! - Photos of the Enchantica show they held in February 2008 can be found Here (while you're there also visit the shop next door called Collect@ who sell all the Dragonsite ranges) Collect @ - A very friendly shop run by Pat & Andy Steer, based in the piece Hall in Halifax. You'll find a great collection of all the Dragonsite ranges, from Verbum Magus, Bookwyrms & all the faeries. you'll be made to feel very welcome. there are also a few other fantasy figures in the shop worth looking at. The shop was undergoing a few alterations while I was there to make the display area better looking . If you like them, you'll also find one of the biggest selections of 'Bad Taste Bears' in the country. (while you're there also visit the shop next door called Friendly Dragon who have a great selection of other dragons and faeries) I Do Believe - UK based online store that sell many fantasy products, aimed squarely at the Faerie collector, they have a vast selection of prints, figurines, gifts, stationary and many other faerie related products by such artists as Nene Thomas & Amy Brown etc... They are also the sole European distributor of the Amy Brown Signature Series range, I can't recommend them highly enough, they are very friendly and every order I've made feels like a personal communication not a business transaction, if you want anything faerie related I'd recommend I Do Believe over everyone else. (and no I'm not on commission :-) ) Dragon Alley - UK stockist of Dragonsite and Enchantica pieces that not only has an online store but also have an actual retail shop that you can wander around and inspect the pieces you are interested in! they are based in Pembroke in South Wales and held the first Enchantica event in many years in July 2007. They also stock many other fantasy ranges too as well as having an internet cafe and stocking Games Workshop gaming figures and running table top battles! I recommend them very highly, if you are in the area you must pay them a visit. - Photos of the Enchantica show they held in July 2007 can be found Here White Dove - Yet another UK stockist of Dragonsite and Enchantica pieces that not only has an online store but also have an actual retail shop that you can wander around and inspect the pieces you are interested in! they are based in Edinburgh and they came highly recommended to me, on visiting the shop myself, they didn't have huge amounts in stock, it was heavily biased towards Nemesis Now products and a word of warning, they also sell lots of Scottish tourist gifts that border on the tacky side but given it's location on the Royal Mile it's understandable but i would rather walk in and see dragons than tartan cows, sheep & teddy bears! Collectables Ltd - This is the place I have bought a lot of the later pieces from, they are quick and friendly and come highly recommended. Sues Curios - Another UK Enchantica retailer that has a shop and a website, they also sell a lot of Enchantica on eBay too, they also sell Land of Dragons and Myth and Magic but not Dragonsite as yet. Based in Mablethorpe. Danbury Mint - This is a mail order company who do a lot of Fantasy pieces, John J. Woodward has done a lot of work for them and Andrew Bill has done a piece for them, also new sculptor 'Alex Lee'
Decadence - My other personal website for photos of Gothic and Medieval architecture, if I'm not doing work on thesorcererslibrary, there is a good chance I'm working on decadence instead Sea Thieves Pirate Association - Another of my sites, this time for a group of pirate re-enactors, this was a fun site to do and I'm still working on it. ---------
Dark Elegance Designs - Stylish Gothic Jewellery, hand made to order by a great friend of mine in Scotland, if you want something a little different then these are very highly recommended for a great friendly service with fast delivery, LunarraStar Jewellery - Stylish Jewellery, hand made to order in Scotland by the same friend who makes Dark Elegance Designs, these are very highly recommended for a great friendly service with fast delivery. Friends of Windmill Hill Windmill - Please help by supporting this worthwhile windmill restoration trust (which is on my cousins land). The windmill is cared for by the Windmill Hill Windmill Trust (Registered Charity No. 1054504) and the Friends of the windmill. (My photos can be found Here) Enchanted Folk - A blog type site, similar in style to myspace but much more specialised and friendly, this is a place for artists, writers, musicians, artisans and believers... it's a place where you can create your own space and chat with friends about fantasy and mythology, there are many faerie and fantasy artists on there to talk to (I'm also to be found on there if you look hard enough :-) ).
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